Capitan Municipal Schools
To Lead, Educate, and Prepare All Students
View of school during a beautiful sunset

Capitan Municipal in the News

Our small town school accomplishes great things, and there is plenty of important and interesting information to share about our schools and the great students and staff that make us proud. Check back often; we will keep you up-to-date on the many endeavors and goings-on of our students and staff at Capitan Municipal.

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Thank You PTO!

Thank you, PTO for the awesome t-shirts made for all of our athletes! If you played fall sports i.e. volleyball, football, cross country, or basketball, or spring sports, or you were unable to pick one up on Monday, please let Mr. Jackson or Mrs. Shepperd (in admin) know your size.

Tiger Caps

Show your Tiger Spirit with a cap! They are $20 each, and they will be available to purchase at the home basketball games; you can also contact Candra at (575) 649-2241. There will be other items coming! Follow the Capitan PTO on Facebook and look for announcements in Tiger News.

PTO/Booster Club Update

PTO is proud of the busy start they have had this year. If you would like to get assistance with your class or event, please let them know! There is a form that can be picked up at the administration office or by contacting the PTO by email.

Upcoming events to assist with are:

  • Tiger Talent Show
  • STEM Trip Fundraising
  • Senior Signs
  • Snacks for Positive Behavior MS/HS
  • Tiger Buck Store for Elementary

PTO Meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month in the Board Room/Room 101 Admin at 4:30 p.m.

With PTO and Booster Club having joined forces, they are jointly heading up all home game concession stands. Volunteers are always welcome and appreciated! To sign up, please visit the Capitan Schools PTO: Basketball Concessions High School SignUpGenius page.

If you would like to volunteer, support PTO, or if you have an organization that would like to work the concession stands as a fundraiser, please let Courtney Bennett know or send an email. Thank you for all of your support!