Online Educational Resources
The Internet is bursting with more information than we can possibly comb through in a lifetime. To help you sort through the mountains of information out there in cyber-space, we have provided links to some of our favorite websites. We have found these to have educational value and to be safe, secure, and reliable for our children to use. Check out the resources for parents, students, and teachers; we’ve found everything from math games to parenting tips.
For All Ages
- Agriculture in Canada
- Aquarium in Georgia
- Aquarium at Monterey Bay
- Engage NM Flyer-English
- Engage NM Flyer-Spanish
- Google Earth
- History for Kids
- Internet Service Provider Emergency Offerings
- iPhone Tip: Sending Work to Teachers
- Mars Exploration
- National Endowment for the Humanities
- National Park Service
- Reading Instruction Resources
- San Diego Zoo
- Scholastic Current Events
- Smithsonian Learning Lab
- Teaching Tolerance
- Technology Support for Tiger Devices
For Middle School Students
While Capitan Municipal Schools District actively monitors the content of this website, we do not claim any responsibility for content outside this website, otherwise known as “offsite” content. We make every effort to ensure that offsite content is appropriate and in good taste; however, we have no control over the constantly changing Internet landscape. If you see something questionable (links to inappropriate websites, foul language, etc.), please email our webmaster, and we will remove that material or link immediately. Also, if you have sites you’d like to suggest that we add, please send us those links for evaluation.